A fine Autumn day in the Wye Valley for an advanced Trad lead course. Both Ginny and Billy have been climbing for some years building their experience and confidence, but wanted to feel completely independent and safe enough to do multi-pitch climbs.
Ginny and Billy demonstrated their ability to place gear and construct belays, and with further instruction were able to build belays by equalizing all their placements and creating a central point. They found this much easier to manage and actually used less equipment as they had previously clipped in using the rope with clove hitches and screwgate katabiners.

Their lead belaying was competent, but their top roping belaying needed some development, including being tight on the belay, being in line with the climber – ABC and belaying towards the anchor point. Both adapted to these new skills and ideas and implemented them through practice.
There was ample opportunity to practice their newly acquired skills, and with Ali on hand to scrutinize their placements they led several routes and were able to critique each others’ gear. Billy and Ginny are a nicely balanced climbing team as they compliment each others’ climbing skill and ability and both seem very calm under pressure.
“Thank you so much for our climbing day, we really enjoyed it and you were very patient. You are a star.” Ginny