Ali first met Stacey in June 2012. She had taken a climbing taster session and enjoyed the experience so much she wanted more. To say she is now addicted is an understatement.
She became a competent belayer within the first few minutes of their first session, so much so that Ali was more than happy to let Stacey loose on her. She left The Warehouse climbing centre as an independant bottom rope climber and belayer.
By their second session she had her own shoes, harness and chalk bag and work began on developing her climbing technique. Staceys initial problem was believing that she could trust her feet. She took some convincing that her leg muscles were stronger than her arms, but Stacey is a determined young lady, an excellent student and takes everything in, quickly putting any constructive coaching into practice.

She is progressing well, her footwork is silent and precise, she is beginning to read the routes with minimum direction and to plan 2 – 3 moves ahead. Her movement is becoming fluid, with a dynamic element to her climbing. She is a pleasure to teach, and amazingly good company. She IS a Climbing Goddess!!!!