It has been a long wet winter, but busy with work nevertheless. At last it’s getting warmer and drier and clients are wanting to hit the rock again. Whooppee.

The forecast for Friday was a little gloomy, showers and sunshine, but windy, so Ali opted for Symonds Yat with Nich and Alan – regular clients who needed a quick fix before their Spanish trip next month.
Conditions weren’t that great – a little green and greasy but they did stay dry, although the rock was wet after each passing shower. They headed for Bowlers Hole Buttress area, which was the most sheltered from the prevailing winds. Alan seemed very confident – he loves to play around with knots and systems and his gear and led his route – Salutation VS 4b – well, especially considering the low level traverse was wet in the middle.

Nich led 2 climbs, the first still wet after a downpour and he was cautious and deliberate in his ascent. The second Tolk was a more difficult climb with poor protection low down. He kept a steady head and with precise footwork tiptoed past the bold section to some welcome gear.
They had lots of opportunities to set up abseils and work on their rope management. Nich, the less experienced of the two, needed a quick recap on building belays.
The trip to Spain with Ali in April will give them the time to put all their learning into practice in various situations – single and multi pich, sport and trad and they will be slick, mean climbing machines by the end. Watch this space………..