As a result of the hugely successful Women’s International Meet, Ellie Fuller and Charlie Lowe have organised, with the support of the BMC the WTF. The hope is to encourage more women into the outdoors and particularly into climbing. The Trad Fest runs from Friday 12th – Sunday 14th August, based at Eric Byne Campsite. The programme is as follows:
Friday 12th
o From 5pm: Arrival and registration.
o 8pm: Welcome talk.
Saturday 13th
o 9am: Climbing – you will be organised into groups and teams on arrival. You can walk to Birchen Edge and Gardoms from the Campsite, Burbage is a 12 min drive or you can drive to another crag. We would encourage use of crags other than Stanage to minimise our impact, but once you know who you are climbing with you may choose where you’d like to climb.
o 6pm: 3RD Rock sample sale.
o 7pm: BBQ.
o 9pm: Raffle winners announced – Prizes from our sponsors Rab, 3RD Rock and Outside. Funds go to Mountain Rescue.
Sunday 14th
o 9am: Climbing.
o 6pm: Return gear and pack up.
Instruction and use of equipment will be completely free. The only thing you have to pay for is the camping for a mere £3 per night.
Women are often put off by the macho image of climbing but women are becoming more prominent, and rather than just holding the ropes for their male partners, women are climbing with women and they are climbing as hard as the guys. They may not have as much testosterone as men, but what they lack in strength they make up for in technical ability and fluidity, and there are less sexist remarks these days, especially in the younger generations but there are still a few dinosaurs around!!!
Ali Taylor will be there all day Saturday 13th – giving her time freely in the hope of inspiring women into climbing and the outdoors.
As part of this Women’s Trad Fest incentive Ali is offering a 20% discount to 2 or more women booking any course during August and September, be it Indoor Beginner Climbing Course or Trad Lead Course or anything in between. Use the contact form, or email: or call 07814555378.