Once you have decided you want to learn to sport climb, as well as the kit you already have; harness, helmet, shoes, chalk bag and belay device you will need a rope, quickdraws, two long slings and two screwgate karabiners. Ropes Ropes for sport climbing come in a variety of lengths, […]
Part 7 – Guide Books & Rock Types
Turning up at a crag you’ve never been to before and expect to find something suitable to climb would be very difficult indeed. If you are new to an area and/or new to climbing you need to find out where the climbing venues are and their suitability for you as a climber. The local climbing […]
Part 6 – Climbing Outdoors: Helmets, Top Rope Anchors & Communication
Climbing Helmets Once you decide you are ready to move outdoors, the first piece of equipment to consider is a helmet, as you are more likely to be struck on the head from something falling from above, as rocks etc. are dislodged by weather, birds, animals and other climbers. You could also bang your head […]
Part 5 – How to Use Holds; Jugs, Side Pulls, Crimps & Slopers
Climbing as we have already established is about reading the route and the holds you are going to use. If you overreach, you are less likely to be ale to use the hold, but if you work your feet up and adjust your hands on the holds you will be able to move up the […]
Part 4 – Footwork & Weight Transference
Most new climbers have the misconception that climbing is about pulling yourself up the wall using mainly your arms, which is why they often get tired quickly and have poor technique. Where and how you place your feet is far more important than your hands. The muscles of the legs are much stronger, and it […]