Parliament St
Gloucester GL1 1HY
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You can use this form to make an enquiry about any of our courses. Please leave your name and contact details along with a message and we will contact you as soon as possible.
A brand new course aimed at all female climbers from 14 years old. It will take place every Tuesday evening from 6 – 8pm – meet in Reception at 5.50pm. Suitable for beginners or those who have climbed before. This course will take you as far as you want to go indoors – top rope climber, sport lead climber, and there will be opportunities to climb outdoors too.
The places on this course are limited to 6. It costs £35 per person which includes entry to the climbing centre and all equipment. You can come for 1 session or every session but only 6 places are available each week. Block booking is recommended. Contact Miss Ali Taylor 07814555378 if you have any questions.