Hi Ali
Thanks for your email – it’s nice to hear from the outer world .
When I went sailing to the Caribbean I was worried about being on my own and nothing to do in a confined space for a month. One of the more experienced solo sailors told me to look after the quality of whatever I did. It means spending time doing things to the best that you can do. It worked; once I started thinking in that way then the time became meaningless and the crossing lasted for ever and yet was over in a moment! I am finding this attitude very useful in this extraordinary time (if you follow the link in my signature you can read the first page of the book – my feelings are summed up there J)
On the upside of all this I feel strangely privileged to be living in a time of such great upheaval – sort of living through an experience like The War of the Worlds or The Day of the Triffids!
In my calendar we are supposed to be leaving for a sailing cruise around the Baltic in two weeks; we’ve been getting the boat ready for ages. But Hey Ho..best laid plans and all that!