It really is a privilege doing Ali’s job – meeting interesting people and teaching them to become independent climbers – and this course was no exception. Alfonso and his son Paolo had no experience of trad lead climbing but had done a little bit of sport and some snow and ice climbing. They took advantage […]
Trad Lead Climbing with the 3 Little Pigs
It’s always a bonus when you meet 3 strangers and they bond with each other and with you as their Instructor. I met Steve, Martin and Helen at Symonds Yat, the venue for our trad lead course and there was immediate rapport and genuine warmth. We spent the first day looking at gear, placing it, […]
Wye Sport Leading Summer Madness
Sport lead climbing seems to becoming more and more popular as people head to the climbing gym to keep fit and then realise you can do the same thing outside too. Monsterclimbs have run two consecutive sport lead courses in the Wye Valley to more and less experienced indoor climbers with amazing results. Indoor climbers […]
Intro To Outdoor Climbing
Helen Waghorn joined Ali for an introduction to outdoor climbing in order to take the next step from climbing indoors. Helen mainly boulders and has little belaying or outdoor experience. Helen began with a few simple climbs getting used to real rock and how to use her feet and recognise a good foothold. Trad gear […]
Peak Performance Trad Climbing
Tom and particularly Josh Pettigrew have become addicted to trad climbing. Josh especially loves multi-pitch. They haven’t climbed much this year as Josh has had exams to prepare for and sit. They also had an ‘incident’ at The Roaches earlier in the year that dented Josh’s confidence. He decided to try a nice looking VS, […]